You are Beautiful



You are Beautiful

Beauty is a quality or a feature that is most effective, gratifying or telling. Beauty is complex and multifaceted. Think for a minute when you hear some one say that “ she is beautiful ” is it made reference to what is outside or inside ? We often see it only in terms of physical – that which meets the eye. It is sad that media has changed the definition of beauty, it has defined what beauty is and what isn’t ?

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, this what we have been told when we were children. As a child we loved each and every inch of our body, but as we grow up we are constantly confronted with beauty, what it is ? whether we are or aren’t ? and our perspective about beauty changes. We criticize ourselves with measure of someone else’s idea of beauty, not our own.  According to a research only 10 % of women think that they are beautiful. Will the lines near by eyes and my body shape bother me if I didn’t know other people dislike it so much. Definitely NOT.

You are Beautiful

You are Beautiful

It is time to change the thought that we are not good enough, whether we are tall, short, fat or lean, it is important for us to start to fall in love with ourselves and stop all the negative talk about the body right nowYou don’t have to be a size zero to be beautiful just stay  stay happy, healthy, and confident. Body is the temple in which your soul lives, if you want to do some thing good for it try to maintain a healthy BMI, feed your body with nourishing food and beverages, and last but not the least workout 3- 5 times per week, even 30 minutes walk per day will do.

You are Beautiful

 Don’t forget, “You are an unique individual and You are Beautiful and gorgeous “ Take Care.

Images : Google


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